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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Warlock Guide

3:02 AM Posted by War No comments

Warlocks are definitely one of the most well rounded classes in World of Warcraft. They are both great at resisting damage and great at dealing damage. On battlefields, there are few classes that leave a trail of destruction as impressive as a Warlock.

Unlike Mages, Warlocks are built for both damage and survival. Because of their high HP, Warlocks are highly desirable as DPSs in raids. In PvP servers, players will generally want to avoid picking fights with you as you can easily take the advantage in most one-on-one fights.

Depending on the talent tree you choose, you will have a very different leveling experience. Destruction, Demonology, and Affliction Warlocks all play very differently in practice.


As a general rule, Warlocks benefit most from choosing to pick up the tailoring profession. There are some pretty amazing benefits to being a tailor as heroic armor can easily fall flat compared to some of the sets that can be created at high levels.

While enchanting can be pretty difficult to level on low funds, I strongly recommend pairing enchanting with tailoring as a Warlock. Disenchanting your tailoring mats can help you save gold overall.

If you find yourself too broke to level a crafting profession, you can always start out with a gathering profession to supplement your tailoring. Skinning, Herbalism, and Mining are all great options to bring in gold quickly and dependably.


Warlocks can range from being a fairly active class to being a very relaxing class to play. There’s not really a “slump” point while leveling a Warlock—you start out leveling fast and you continue to level quickly throughout the game.

There are a few ways to get the most while leveling your Warlock regardless of your build
  • If you are planning on dungeon leveling as either a pseudo-tank or DPS, try using a dungeon leveling guide to make sure you are getting in all the dungeon quests that can double your leveling speed
  • If you enjoy the idea of battlegrounds, don’t wait until high levels to join in on the fun. You can start battlegrounds as early as level 10 and can get a nice EXP reward particularly if you are on the winning team!
  • Make sure you have more than one quest open at a time. Doing quests one by one can be a painfully slow way to level. Also, make sure you know how to deal with more than one mob at a time—Warlock’s crowd control abilities are not as impressive as a Mage’s
  • Make sure you are using the right demon for the job—while some players just upgrade demons as they get new ones, this is a bad practice as one demon will be much better at DPS while another will generate better threat and keep crowds from overrunning you.

Demonology Warlock

Demonology is easily one of the best solo leveling builds in the game. If you roll Demonology, it may actually be pretty difficult to die even if you tried outside of PvP ganking. This leveling spec offers a very fleshy and satisfying leveling experience that favors both speed and survivability.

Before Cataclysm, players would have to wait until level 50 to receive their Felguard demon. Fortunately, players are now pretty spoiled as they get it at level 10. While Voidwalker will still have a more effective threat generation and health, Felguard has high enough of DPS to justify using it as your primary demon.

Players using the Demonology tree can have a little downtime compared to other Warlocks as they can quickly lose health in the event a mob actually makes it to attacking them. Mana can be somewhat frustrating in early levels.

Affliction Warlock

Affliction Warlocks are designed for leveling effectively. Players who roll Affliction will have to suffer through virtually no downtime while leveling. They are the perpetual killing machines of World of Warcraft.

By utilizing a combination of lifetap, drain life, and Dark Pact, a Warlock can transform into a Drain Tank. Using this strategy, players can use life tap to regenerate mana while using drain life to replenish their health.

In the end, this basically creates an endless mana and HP reservoirs that allow you to grind with brutal efficiency that surpasses any other class in the game.

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